As one of the most prestigious and gruelling sporting events on the planet, the Tour de France is an exciting spectacle for fans of cycling and sport in general. Held annually since 1903, the modern pursuit is staged over 2,200 miles and involves tough mountain climbs and feverous time trails through France’s beautiful countryside and historic cities. British success in recent years has increased interest in the UK and many people take the trip across the channel to stand at the side of the road and spur the riders on to victory.
The fact that the race travels throughout many different parts of the country means that there are plenty of options when it comes to deciding where to stay to get the best view. In fact, with the start taking place in other countries in 2015 and 2014, and 2016’s race venturing into Spain, Andorra and Switzerland, you don’t even have to go to France if you want to experience this famous event.
2019's Tour de France will take place from 6th - 28th July 2019.
Contact us today and we can tailor-make your perfect Tour de France experience.