The fact that La Tomatina has grown in popularity outside of Spain in recent years almost makes you forget how strange this festival is. It is, in essence, an excuse for everyone to throw tomatoes at each other for absolutely no reason at all. Taking place in the town of Buñol, just outside of Valencia, La Tomatina is a lively affair that has been happening every year since 1945. No one is quite sure why the event started but it was so enjoyable that residents continued the tradition the following year. It has grown so popular that tourists now come from far and wide to paint the town red with tomato paste and a ticketing system has been installed.
Although it may look like a free-for-all, there are actually some important rules to adhere to. Tomato throwing must end when you hear the sound that signifies a ceasefire (usually after one hour), only tomatoes are allowed to be thrown and all must be squashed before they leave your hand to avoid any injury.
If you would like to visit this region of Spain during this time, to take part in the frivolities or just to watch, contact us today.