Discover the best of the Ganges from the colonial splendours of Kolkata, through the enchanting rural arcadia of West Bengal along the Hoogly and the great expanse of the Ganga itself with its pristine bird and wildlife and cultural treasures dotted along the banks. Though in the days of the British Raj paddle steamers plied this route on a regular basis, with the advent of the railways in India river navigation was abandoned and the rivers were allowed to silt up. Now thanks to a multi-million dollar investment from the Indian Government channels have been dredged and buoyed and hi tech GPS based aids installed enabling seasonal navigation.
Varanasi, said to be the oldest inhabited city on the planet is the most sacred city of Hinduism and a place of overwhelming beauty at the same time poignantly moving with its cremation ghats. Varanasi is surely the goal of any 'passage to India' and at the other end of the holy river stands Kolkata, in all its Raj-like magnificence. Between lies several of the most important Buddhist sites in the country, fascinating cities great and small as well as expanses of empty river teeming with bird life, not to mention the Gangeatic dolphin.
Enhance Your Experience
Upgrade your flights to business class
Upgrade your cabin on board ship
Upgrade to a drinks package or private dining
Fred.\ Holidays Enriching Experiences
Important Notice: The cruise schedule includes the latest information regarding your program, but last minute adjustments may occur. The schedule may shift due to the weather or to take advantage of unexpected opportunities. The exact time for each activity will be announced or posted by the onboard tour staff.
Please Note: This itinerary passes through the state of Bihar. In this state it is illegal to serve any drinks containing alcohol. For this reason we will not be able to serve alcohol onboard the ship while in the state of Bihar. This will affect the Upstream itinerary from day 6 until arrival in Varanasi and for the Downstream itinerary upon arrival to Patna until the afternoon of day 6.
Please Note: We suggest to change money at a bank at the international airport before exiting (currently there is shortage of new money bills in India).
Full Fred.\ Holidays Terms & Conditions apply.